Friday 2 December 2011

study, study, fighto!

The above words have often been shouted at me by my school's secretary, a lovely woman who seems to have taken on the role of teaching me Japanese....
Did I ask her? No. Had we spoken at all before this? No. Is this an extremely Japanese mindset? Hai hai hai!

Anyway, she has started me on ihcinensei (first grade elementary) Kanji books which I am currently working my way through, and each lunch we spend half an hour working on my reading skills (which are excrutiatingly slow at the moment!)

In helping me with my learning (and this is the bit mummy dearest is really going to get excited about!) she took me to the library today to set me up with an account! It's a really nice little library and is only a 5 minute drive from my house - opposite the building I have my eikaiwa! Very convenient.

Convenient or not however, it is still painfully embarrassing to be led straight into the kids section of the library and then shoved in the corner with the 'baby books' (a direct quote from Harada-san!) What was even more demoralising was that about 10 of my JHS students were also in the library! Brilliant. Ah well, hopefully that will motivate me to learn quicker and progress a bit faster away from the baby books!

Today's haul along with bookbag!


  1. Well, that sorts out what I'll be doing when we come! Off to the library I go! And those baby books look good to me....

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