Thursday 9 May 2013

So I've only gone and bought a new camera!

So if there's on thing I'm really bad at, it's saving money! I just don't seem to be able to do it! It was a little easier in England - when I got a paycheck I could easily transfer money from my normal account to my ISA, not to be touched. But being out here, with only one account, makes it very easy for me to see that I have money and think that I can spend it. I know I should be saving, and I do try. It doesn't help that the exchange rate is so terrible at the moment so I'm reluctant to send money home, which would mean that I no longer have it out here to spend. Anyway, it means that when I think of something, and decide I want it, it doesn't take me long to go and buy it!
And so this is what has happened yet again!
To be fair on me, I have wanted a new camera for a while. There's nothing really wrong with my point and shoot camera right now, in fact, after a long, long line of other cameras in my possession, it's actually one of my favourites. It's just that sometimes it can't quite capture what I want to capture - the lighting is never right or the thing that looks so good in real life comes out dull and colourless in the photos. So I figured it was time for me to get a better camera. So here it is, a new DSLR Nikon camera! I hope that you can see some of the differences in my photos and even if you can't I'm sure I'll enjoy using this camera anyway!

Soon I will upload some photos that I've taken whilst playing around with my camera. They'll most likely be a bit pointless, but I hope you appreciate the fact that I'm trying!!

Edit: Definitely pointless, but there you go


  1. Pink, of course. I love it!! Just the sort of thing I would buy if I needed one - Nikon as well: what could be better?

  2. Looks very complicated to me.....

  3. ...and after all the old one had a case that was a little bit rubbish anyway...
